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Updates to Field layouts and "No-Go" areas.

As you all know by now, our community fields have been undergoing a much needed facelift over the last 6 weeks. (Thanks David Biele! & others...). In order to be able to hold the season this fall, we have been supporting the DCR efforts actively to bring the fields up to a place that is usable. The Net-Net is that with some minor changes, we will be able to start tomorrow! Please review the two maps below.

The first map shows the change of location we have made to Anfield and Gillette. We did this as the Gillette area is not ready to support a full width field yet due to the renovations.

The good news is that the little ones using Anfield will be playing on brand-new grass and be in the center of things showing off their skills!

This map below shows the areas (Orange) of the field that are designated "No-Go" areas. Please do your best to stay off these unfinished and damaged areas of the field as you attend this gameday tomorrow.

More coming on rosters, shirts, coaching guidelines etc shortly!

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City Sports Programs Inc

City Sports Programs Inc is a Registered 501c3 Corporation with operations in the State of Massachussetts.

Located in South Boston, MA CityKids FC  has been welcoming players of all ages (5-12) to participate in a wide variety of programs and activities since 2020. Our amazing parent coaches ensure that every player at CityKids Football Club has an fullfilling and rewarding Season in a safe and fun atmosphere.We are a new Soccer Program taking a community first approach. We Hope you and your children come join with us at CityKids Football Club Your time with us will be fun, competitive, healthy and stress free.

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